Yanqi Luo, Mother of Harshall and Rushall
Maíra was my doula for the births of both my sons.
Growing up, I’ve never heard of a positive birth story. Childbirth was God’s punishment on women for causing the fall of mankind. I was as terrified of labour pains as I was of being dehumanised, disempowered and mistreated by the obstetrician and hospital staff. I needed to equip myself with as much knowledge of childbirth and arm myself with an ally who would be supportive, informative, positive and encouraging. Maíra was all of these and more.
With my firstborn, I was healing from an earlier miscarriage and doubted my body’s ability to nurture and birth this new life growing inside me. Emotionally, I disallowed myself to connect with my baby till I was well into the pregnancy. During one of my sessions with Maira, she helped me confront and reconcile my insecurity before I went into labour.
I was giving birth in a foreign land, adrift from the motherly and sisterly support that I could have had back home. Maira was both my mother and sister during this critical period. My husband and I deeply appreciated her reassuring presence and support when I went into labour. It was a long labour but I felt secure and knew I was in good hands because she was with me at every stage.
She continued to support me beyond the birth of my child. As with many first time mothers, I struggled to breastfeed my baby. She rallied me to nurse my baby despite the challenges. Because she believed in me, I believed I could and so I did. It was a privilege to be able to share this special bond with my child.
About the same time as when my son was born, Maira started a mothers‘ group. It was a lifeline for me and many other mothers who were also navigating motherhood and raising children away from their community. I formed many meaningful friendships through this monthly meet up, and the exchange of positive birth experiences between the women slowly changed my mindset about childbirth. I grew to trust that my body knew exactly what to do to grow and birth a baby. With the knowledge that I’ve gained from Maíra and all the wonderful women I’ve met through the circle, I went on to have the most perfect and beautiful homebirth two years later, a birth story I’m very proud of.
I’m ever so grateful to have met Maíra and she continues to inspire and motivate me to become a better person, woman, mother.

Coralie Deglon, Mother of Emile and Arsène
Maira a été d'une aide précieuse durant ma grossesse et mon accouchement.
Elle est plus qu'une doula presente pendant l'accouchement, tout au long de la grossesse elle s'assurait que je me sentais bien et était toujours la si j'avais besoin d'elle, ou pour une simple question.
Nous avons lie un lien assez naturellement qui allait bien au delà du simple contrat. C’était primordial pour moi d’être a l'aise avec elle car elle allait être la dans le moment le plus intime de ma vie.
J'ai eu l'accouchement que je désirais car je m'y étais préparée et aussi car je savais que j’étais bien entourée et ceci en partie grace a elle.
Quand elle est arrivée chez moi, le travail avait déjà bien commence et son unique présence m'a tout de suite calmée et mis a l'aise. Son énergie inonde la pièce.
Elle savait quand me parler et quand observer. Elle savait me faire des suggestions pour faire progresser le travail plus rapidement. Elle était ma partie consciente quand je voulais lâcher prise.
Elle a été la pour mon mari également, qui se sentait rassure par sa présence.
Elle a été un atout incroyable dans mon équipe, mon équipe de naissance, et elle garde une place particulière dans mon cœur. C'est celle qui a permis que je me révéle dans mon accouchement. Maira travaille avec son cœur, et c'est exactement ce dont a besoin une femme enceinte.
Tiffany Hoover, Mother of Jace
My husband and I were preparing to move across the world, and only several months before leaving our home, we were very surprised to find out I was pregnant, and would be due just about 2 months after arriving in a new country! I already had an interest in natural, holistic living, so the decision to find a doula for that reason was easy. But even more than that, I knew that I would need a mother to help me in the moments I would become a mother; and I would be half a world away from my own. Hiring Maira as my doula was not only the best decision I made in a season of multiple major life changes, but her presence was a gift to me. Her steady strength was calming and empowering. I wanted to be at my best for the arrival of my son, and her teaching and gentle instruction during the weeks before going into labor helped me to enter into the adventure of childbirth with confidence and excitement. Her confidence in me as a woman, meant to and innately capable of becoming a mother, instilled a trust in my self, though I knew very little about children or childbirth or any of it. And of course, when delivery day came, I boldly and proudly gave my son the best I could give him, and I am so thankful to have been able to successfully deliver naturally and unmedicated. I had Maira guiding me through the process, and she also helped my husband and sister know how to support me well in their own ways. I knew from all our prior conversations that she was on my team, would support any decision I made during my laboring, and I could let her know what I needed and I would be seen and heard. Maira adjusted to my preferences and needs seamlessly and gracefully. At one point as labor was intensifying, I remember looking into Maira’s eyes with a bit of desperation and saying, “This hurts.” And she simply said, “Ah, yes, this is the Hard Work of labor.” And I knew I could work hard, for myself and for my son. And I knew I could continue on with renewed strength and determination. In a season when I could have so easily been crushed by feeling helpless, Maira facilitated the sweetest, most badass 11 hours I will every know. And she will always be a part of our family’s story, and will always hold a beautiful place in my mother heart.