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Maira D B Magalhaes
May 30, 20237 min read
Birth Pauses
We don't talk enough about the PAUSES in birth. Just like moments of silence in communication are super important to get a message...
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Maira D B Magalhaes
May 16, 20214 min read
On Claiming the Title of Midwife
My understanding is that radical (as in "root") traditional midwifery is part of the scope of practice of wise women healers who have been a
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Maira D B Magalhaes
Feb 22, 20215 min read
When Home Birth is Preferred to Facility Birth, a Critique of a Qualitative Study in Rural Tanzania
In modern western society, choosing to give birth at home is an act of counter-culture. In general, for more than a century, birth has...
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Maira D B Magalhaes
Aug 19, 20206 min read
Getting Your Baby Out: Physiological Pushing X Coached Pushing is still relevant to clarify the differences between these two forms of "getting a baby out" of a vagina...
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Maira D B Magalhaes
May 16, 20205 min read
From the Unknown into Manifesting My Dream of Becoming a Midwife
Much like birth, I had no control of what was to unfold. My intentions were clear and through surrendering, things started falling on my lap
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Maira D B Magalhaes
Mar 13, 20206 min read
Undisturbed X Unassisted Birth
I believe there was an extreme need to bring a term such as "undisturbed" to the realm of birth.
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Maira D B Magalhaes
Mar 7, 20204 min read
Clarity and Honesty about the Term BirthKeeper
If you are an unlicensed midwife ..., then maybe calling yourself a birthkeeper ... seems safer. But it brings about a lot of confusion...
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Maira D B Magalhaes
Feb 12, 20204 min read
Welcome to my Blog! And a quick introduction
There I heard my calling into walking with women.
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