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Maira D B Magalhaes
May 30, 20237 min read
Birth Pauses
We don't talk enough about the PAUSES in birth. Just like moments of silence in communication are super important to get a message...
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Maira D B Magalhaes
Aug 19, 20206 min read
Getting Your Baby Out: Physiological Pushing X Coached Pushing is still relevant to clarify the differences between these two forms of "getting a baby out" of a vagina...
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Maira D B Magalhaes
Mar 13, 20206 min read
Undisturbed X Unassisted Birth
I believe there was an extreme need to bring a term such as "undisturbed" to the realm of birth.
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Maira D B Magalhaes
Mar 7, 20204 min read
Clarity and Honesty about the Term BirthKeeper
If you are an unlicensed midwife ..., then maybe calling yourself a birthkeeper ... seems safer. But it brings about a lot of confusion...
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